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Aug 4, 2012 - 4 minute read - Comments

README: the Bare Necessities

I gave a lightning talk at Steel City Ruby Conf 2012 today on writing a decent README. Instead of putting the slides up somewhere, I thought I would write up a more detailed post of the talk’s points.

Your README should …

… explain why your code exists

Tell me why you wrote this code. Give me a vision statement or an elevator pitch. “Unlike all the other code on the internet, my project is awesome.” Then follow up with how your project scratches an itch differently than others.

… demonstrate how to install and use the code

It could be as simple as:

gem install awesome_tool
require 'awesome_tool'

awesome_tool do

If things get complicated, use subsections or wiki pages, but try to provide steps and examples in the README and link to the complicated stuff.

As far as examples of use are concerned, start with the most common and valuable example of using your tool. Help me understand how to make my life better with your awesomeness.

Tell me your licensing terms. Can I copy your code? Can I distribute it? Can I modify it?

… describe how to contribute

If I can modify it, how do I get those modifications back to you, the maintainer? Do you expect code to follow certain conventions? Do you expect to have tests submitted with the patch? (In general, the answer here is “yes.”)

Provide instructions on setting up the tool’s development environment. Tell me how to run your tests. There is nothing like trying to document this sort of thing to cause you to throw up your arms and automate this stuff which only makes your code more awesome.

… give credit

Take credit! You wrote an awesome tool! Give credit to contributors. This encourages others to contribute more awesomeness. List authors/contributors, link to a CONTRIBUTORS file or punt to GitHub and link to the contributors graph.

… be plain text

Write your README in plain text. We’ve got decades of convention that READMEs are readable on a simple terminal with your PAGER of choice. Don’t fight that.

I would go farther and recommend you write your README in Markdown. It is a simple plain text markup that is refreshingly free of noisy markup like HTML tags that I have to ignore. The benefit is that some tools like GitHub and GitLabHQ turn your into a web page. Yay! Your project has a README and a web page with structure, hyperlinks and syntax-highlighted code blocks.

Even better, a tool called PanDoc can turn your into a PDF. If you provided headings and sub-headings (with hash marks “#”) in your markdown, you can tell PanDoc to include a table of contents in your PDF for easy navigation.

Leveling Up?

Tim Preston-Werner of GitHub fame has an argument for README Driven Development. Before you test-drive, before you behavior-drive, document your vision for what your code will do and write some examples of code you wish you had. Give that a read and let me know what you think.

What next?

What sort of documentation you produce after your essential README depends on what your awesome tool really is, how it is used and what sort of audience you expect to have for the docs. Library code probably benefits best from rdoc-style embedded comments that can be compiled into a library reference. Web APIs can be documented with guide-style pages providing the lay of the land with references to tests written specifically as examples of use.

End-user documentation can be deviously tricky. Simple, but time-consuming to write at the beginning, end-user docs end up atrophying, quickly becoming documents filled with misdirection as your tool grows. I’ve got a vision of end-user documentation being written in something like Cucumber to include steps that can capture named screenshots of the UI state at points in the scenarios. Markdown documentation–possibly contained in the preamble section of the Cucumber features–would reference the named screenshots. Run the documentation Cucumber scenarios, run the markdown through PanDoc and you’ve got end-user documentation with up-to-date screenshots. No more weeks spent manually screenshotting your app while you monkey-push buttons and enter data to get the app in the right state for the documentation scenario just because you changed the order of the nav bar.

I’ve not cracked this last nut. If you are interested in when I do, let me know. If you have cracked this nut or have some insight into how, I would love to talk to you. If there is interest, I plan on writing more here or in another venue where collaboration can occur about techniques to make documentation less painful.


Active Record, PostgreSQL and Sequence Naming Yes this blog is stale

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